
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Duties of the clinical pharmacist

You might observe that change is almost universal among different countries and is related to developments in medical technology, health economics, informatics, socio-economic status, and professional relations. This is due to the rapid changes in the development if the health care fields to develop disease free environment and to carry the healthy atmosphere.

These mainly include the information about the side effects, dosages, uses of the drugs to the patients. Services like Patient care, drug dosage regimen, management duties, research programs, educating the other departments of medicine and Para-medical services. In patients care the pharmacist should have sound knowledge about the drugs that are with their respective uses, and should give the patient to ask their queries in administration or the usage of the drugs, dietary conditions if required shall be mentioned, exercises if needed, use of the other drugs simultaneously  shall be explianed .

In-Patient care: This mainly includes the patient’s history, his/her well being i.e., a worsened condition or any side effects unrelated to the illness. Updating them the time of usage of the medicine, how to administrate, Keeping a positive attitude improves the morale of dramatically sick patients like mentally retarded, cancer patients, aids patients etc..,

Other works: This include  Patient medication history interview, Medication order review, Patient counseling regarding safe and rational use of drug,  Adverse drug reaction monitoring,  Drug interaction monitoring that may be due to drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, drug-protein interactions, Therapeutic drug monitoring TDM,  Participating in ward rounds with the other medical team such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, pharmacologists in the in-patient hospital care units, Providing drug information at the drug information and poison information centre.

Out-Patient care: They help in patient counseling those are with dreadful diseases like HIV/AIDS, cancer, Wilson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, other cases like during pregnancy.

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